Jan 20 2021

SeniorsPlus: Zooming Together While Physically Apart – Virtual Social Gathering

Time: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: Zoom

SeniorsPlus has partnered with River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition and the Oxford County Wellness Collaborative to host Zooming Together While Physically Apart! We invite you to join us for our monthly Zoom call where we will spotlight a specific topic before opening up the conversation to the group – this is a time to learn, socialize, laugh, and have fun together. In January we will be spotlighting local resources to overcome isolation, virtual program offerings, and more! Handouts and resources will be emailed out to attendees afterwards. To help with food insecurity during this time, River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition will also be giving away one Hannaford gift card to an attendee.

Classes and workshops are free, unless noted. Please register by emailing edcenter@seniorsplus.org or calling 795-4010 or 1-800-427-1241. For more information, visit seniorsplus.org/education-center.

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